Tag Archives: dad

Task Two: What Are You Waiting For? Make a List

Okay, so this task is supposed to happen in those minutes while I’m waiting for the kettle to boil. But as I’m not actually having a cup of tea at this precise moment, I thought I’d give it a go anyway. It’s actually an interesting idea, creating lists just to get your brain thinking. As a teacher, I’m used to using lists in my working life. In the Early Years classes, a child creating a list independent of the teacher can be used for evidence of that child’s writing ability. We use lists, too, later on in life; shopping, jobs to do, items to pack. The brain is used to making associations and likes the order of lists. So here are some of mine…


1. List your pet hates:

People who can’t drive properly

People who play loud music without thought to those around them

Famous people having books published just because they’re famous

People who spit in public

Too many traffic lights on a single journey

Having to fill the car with petrol

Not being able to find the right pen

Music that’s just people shouting

My computer keyboard letters getting sticky

2. List some smells that have special meaning for you

Next ‘Define’ perfume – worn throughout my uni years and instantly makes me feel 18 again

Vanilla – I was given a bottle of vanilla scent on a French exchange trip when I was 13

Coconut ice – reminds me of the film ‘The NeverEnding Story’ because I used to think the flying dog’s back looked like cocount ice. Put me off it for a while

Peppermint – makes me think of Stormtroopers because my brother had a toy when we were younger and I swear it smelled of this

3. List the people you admire

JK Rowling – for getting through those tough years before HP was published

Astronauts – for actually having the courage to go into space

Graham – for being so brilliant at everything and being well on his way to becoming renowned in his field

My dad – for being willing to donate a kidney to his younger brother

(Tasks are taken from The Five-Minute Writer by Margret Geraghty.)